Date 22-6-2021 Gyansetu Videos (Std.1 to 10)

Gyansetu Videos Video Date 22-6-2021

Hence this type of computer is also called digital commuter.  Analog computers use a finite combination of amplitude (currents or heights) of voltage instead of numbers.  Hence this type of khutar is called analog crucible.  Some huts use both of these technologies, called hybrid cutters.  Personal or Desktop Computers.

Home Learning Date: 22-6-2021

Std.1 શાળા તત્પરતા : Video
Std.2 ગુજરાતી : Video
Std.3 ગુજરાતી : Video
Std.4 ગુજરાતી : Video
Std.5 ગણિત : Video
Std.6 ગણિત : Video
Std.7 ગણિત : Video
Std.8 ગણિત : Video
Std.9 ગણિત : Video
Std.10 ગુજરાતી : Video
Std.10 વિજ્ઞાન : Video

his type of pigeon is a popular khutar system.  It is used and affordable in price.  It is usually used individually in everyday business activities.  Figure 2,6 shows a sample desktop waist.  Dope is used in everyday calculation work in a specific place like commuter office.  Advanced commuters include a system-box monitor, keyboard and mouse.

duzu goyer (Laptop Computers) Laptop commuters are very light in weight and easily portable, including thin saddles.  It is also called a notebook commuter because of its small size.  It is very popular among travelers as it can work on batteries.  Figure 2.7 shows the laptop pigeon.  In fact, a laptop carburetor is a personal computer for mobile use. 

Laptops contain almost the same components as decop.  A single unit includes a screen, keyboard, pointing unit (also known as a touchpad trackpad) and a painting stick as well as speakers.  Nowadays a thinner version of the laptop called Magic is becoming popular.  

The Abrahuk is smaller in size and weighs less than a normal laptop.  Some computing technologies use longer battery life and use powerful and low voltage processors.  Figure 2.8 shows a sample alhanuk.  Figure 17: Laptop Figure 3: Chapter -sias sanjee (Handheld Computers): Handheld commuters (Handheld connputes) Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) 2 491 are known. 

It is small in size compared to a laptop and can be easily carried anywhere.  It uses gayles like pins and accepts handwritten information on the screen as a direct insert.  Its screen is usually a touchscreen.  The handheld commuter is useful for scheduling appointments, collecting name and address information, and playing various games. 
